Mission & Vision
To create a "Centre for excellence" in the developing rural areas with a view to expose the students to the vast technical and research opportunities of high standards available in the emerging fields of Engineering & Technology, which will contribute to the advancement of society and humankind.
Our Mission is to identify, scientifically evaluate and implement proven, prevention oriented, forward-looking solutions to critical scientific and technological problems and bring technical education of international standard within the reach of all and uplift the weaker Muslim minority community in particular.
We are committed to achieve and maintain excellence in Higher Technical Education, Placement and Research for the benefit of society.
We dedicate and commit ourselves, sustain and foster unmatched excellence in Technical Education. To this end, we will pursue continuous development of infrastructure and enhance state-of-the art equipment to provide our students a technologically up-to-date and intellectually inspiring environment of learning, research, innovation and professional activity and inculcate in them ethical and moral values.
The college is committed to raise the intellectual tone of the young students in understanding and incorporating the basics of rapidly progressing changes in the fields of Science, Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy, Management, Medicinal and Architectural Education with an objective of enhancing their competence by applying their proficiency and skill for Industrial and Economic development.
It is our effort to develop every student into a well qualifies Professional of the future India. Come and join with us to face the challenging world with new vision.